How does your ADHD affect you?

Failing at life

You might feel like a failure, a fake, disorganized. Everything feels turbulent. You feel unstable and like you suck at “adulting”.

You tried using planners but gave up on them. You can't choose between digital or paper, so you try both and don't stick with either.

Messy mind

You overthink. You ruminate. You experience Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.

You want to do everything to fix your life. You try solutions and give up on them when they don’t immediately work or when they’re not in front of you.

You may also have found helpful tools but need more help or someone to talk to who understands you.


Your credit score is ruined. Your finances are in bad shape because you forget to pay bills, jump from hobby to hobby, business idea to business idea, and invest in multiple educational programs and careers.

You forget about all of those monthly subscriptions.

You’ve lost jobs and friends

Relationships have suffered. You feel like no one understands you. You’ve been told that you don’t live up to your potential. Called “lazy”.

Every person with ADHD is different. Some of you feel seen right now.

The question is,

How do you want to feel?

In control? With it? Calm?

I aim to help you manage ADHD through self-empowerment. I want to help you take back your life, break free from your mind's grip, and feel secure and heard.

I want you to thrive and see the positive side of ADHD.

I can help.

How we can work together:

  • PRIMED Mentorship Sessions

  • PRIMED to Finish: Business program

PRIMED Mentorship Sessions

My signature framework, PRIMED™, can help you uplevel your life. It’s a six-pillar mind-body balancing system based on proven lifestyle and methods to manage ADHD. By assessing the six areas, you can identify what’s off, make some changes, and get back on track. This process has also been a tool to help relieve depression and anxiety.

How it works

Once we agree to work together, you'll complete a questionnaire to help me understand your needs and preferences. We'll then review a personalized plan in our Strategy Session and adjust it together to fit your lifestyle.

I’ll tell you what to do, but also be flexible to your preferences so that you execute.

I consider this a partnership—it’s collaborative.

We'll have regular check-ins for the first three months, and you can book more sessions as needed to stay on track. I suggest monthly, but no less than once every few months. My support is ongoing, and you can return anytime for new tools or guidance.

I'm here as your mentor, ADHDer to ADHDer.

Investment in your mental well-being: 12 Zoom sessions (45 minutes) over 3 months — $2800

What’s Included 

  • 30-minute “Getting to Know You” session to understand your needs.

  • 60-minute strategy session with personalized, science-backed recommendations.

  • 45-minute upkeep and accountability sessions to help you stay on track.

  • A 1-month custom journal designed to keep you organized and focused.

  • Exclusive content: Lifetime access to all new worksheets, checklists, and other materials I create, even after you're no longer an active client

  • 1:1 email follow-up from me after your mentorship package is finished.

How to get started now

If you’re a professional with ADHD who is ready to get help, get out of your own way, take control of your life, and invest time and money in yourself and your future, schedule a complimentary, obligation-free Q&A session with me. We can then see how we can work together.


PRIMED to Finish: Business program

From soul-crushing to goal-crushing

Is there a project you’ve hit a plateau on? Are you having trouble getting started or finished?

Come to me with a project. Let’s work through it together.

We will work through the resistance, asking questions to get to the root of why this particular project got stuck in the first place. I will be your accountability buddy and sit with you (remotely) while you do the thing.

Whether you're writing a book, coding an app, launching a podcast, or starting a business, we'll identify mental blocks, overcome them, identify the steps you need to take, and reach the finish line together!